
20130606-101845.jpgNiamh Pulling Her Go-To Funny Face

20130606-102139.jpgHarper Enjoying Her Bath – Little Water Baby

20130606-102238.jpgDeclan Talking To The Shadows

Niamh – We have had a great week this week. After a little bit of advice from those that care about us , and who could see I was struggling, I have gone back to my usual parenting style. I am ignoring those that say I am too tough on you, too strict, and those that tell me I have to be gentle because of your world changing since the twins have arrived. It’s the best decision I could have made. You still have your off moments but they are now only moments, and we are again enjoying our time together.

Harper – You have been a little unsettled this week, for you anyway. I think your brothers discomfit and pain is affecting you too, you hate to hear him cry. You are really a happy little girl and your smiles are so infectious. You always wake up with a grin and love eyes for us all. Your favourite “game” at the moment is to lie on our chests and roll off to the right. It makes you grin like crazy and I am sure you would do it for hours if nap time didn’t intrude.

Declan – You are still struggling along and this week you have given your mummy and daddy a big fright. Your dermatitis has calmed right down, however your skin is still dry. The vomiting is not quite so bad but your sleep is still terrible. Saturday afternoon when you were having your bottle I noticed you were beginning to swell around the eyes. I raced you down to the local health centre (as it has an emergency care department) and you were taken straight through. By this stage your face was so swollen you could hardly open your eyes, your eyes were red and looked like I had socked you one, your dermatitis appeared out of nowhere, you were wheezing, your tongue was swollen and your lips and under your chin were too. I have never been so scared in my life. It was definitely an allergic reaction but we don’t know what to. You had a milder attack Sunday night and none since. We are now waiting for blood test results as the lactose intolerance ones were negative. Stay strong little man.

Last week my favourite blog was of gorgeous little Sage over at Fields Of Sage. That fluffy hat, those soulful blue eyes. Such a beautiful photo.



20130529-103630.jpgI Love This Photo Of Niamh and I!

20130529-103701.jpgHarper All Cosy And Napping At A Party

20130529-103730.jpg Declan Finally Sleeping (And Apparently Dreaming About Roller Coasters) At A Party

Niamh – You are such a little firecracker. So full of energy, so cheeky, so curious. This week you lost your best friend, your dog Paris, in such a horrible way. I am sorry that you had to experience such grief so young, that I couldn’t help Paris and save her for you, and I am sorry that you now have a real understanding about what death is. I hope in time the sad memories fade and the happy ones become the dominant again.

Harper – You are such a happy and placid little girl. That is until your brother gets upset. Then you let us all know what you think about us. So protective already, the twin bond is so strong. This week you are finally getting the hang of “talking” to us and the joy on your face when you can make these sounds come out is a true delight to behold.

Declan – It’s been a rough week for you my little man. You are struggling to sleep during the day, you have a sore looking dermatitis-like rash all over your face (so scaly and dry), and your vomiting has increased. The doctor is having you tested for lactose intolerance now. I don’t know why you are in pain and unhappy, I just hope we can get to the bottom of it soon and start to help you feel better.

Last week my favourite post was of North and Indigo over at This Whole Family. Such opposites in both children. North with his tousled, slightly grumpy look. Indigo with her pure joy on the swings.
